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Profectus Education, Consulting and Coaching Services
Improviong literacy one community at a time
Teachers, students, parents and the wider community will benefit when schools establish themselves as learning communities. Our experienced team can work with your school to assist in transforming your school into a learning community that will enhance the school experience. Start the conversation.
Student Engagement
Engage your school in the Personal Best School Challenge to promote a quality student experience and achieve improved educational outcomes. This well researched program fosters positive social engagement, teamwork and respect and provides professional learning for teachers, students and student leaders. Learn more:
Promoting reading growth
When teaching children the skill of reading, it is important to keep in mind that one size does not fit all and there is no silver bullet. There are, however, some strategies that a parent or teacher can implement that will make a difference: read more Goodman and Goodman, 1976
Our highly skilled team will work with teachers and parents to develop the ideal conditions for literacy teaching and learning that will improve student literacy levels.
Promoting reading growth
Promoting active, as opposed to passive, involvement in literacy activities promotes reading growth. Help students develop a varied vocabulary and experience with the language. Read to students, have a class novel and encourage discussion including main characters, themes, where are we up to and what might happen next.
Teacher effectiveness and engaged readers: Read more (Taylor et. al., 2003)
Promoting reading growth
Using a student support stance (in contrast to a teacher-directed stance) during literacy lessons promotes reading growth.
Promoting literacy
Always keep in mind that any strategy to promote literacy might have side effects and some of those side effects might be undesirable - read more (Zhao, 2017)
The PECCS team will work with teachers to develop and implement a context specific literacy program for your school that will develop a healthy approach to literacy.
Professional learning
What we do
PECCS seeks to support professional educators working to deliver quality teaching and learning in our schools. Our highly skillled team work on the principle that teachers know how to teach. We support teacher professional growth by building on strengths and sharong what works.
One size does not fit all - the PECCS team understand this and will work with schools to develop context specific solutions incor[orting creativity and engagement.
© 2016